Code of Ethics for Yoga Teacher Training

  • Respect (Ahimsa): Embody the principle of non-harm towards others and oneself. Cultivate respect and devotion towards humanity and all living beings. Commit to a lifestyle that supports this ethos, including adopting a vegetarian diet and abstaining from drugs and alcohol.
  • Responsibility: Recognize that many begin their yoga journey during challenging times in search of healing and growth. As teachers, it is our duty to facilitate this path of self-discovery and consciousness expansion through honest and professional guidance. Understand the boundaries of our capabilities and refer students to alternative practices or advice when beyond our scope.
  • Boundaries: Maintain professional distance in the student-teacher relationship. Avoid manipulating, imposing personal beliefs, or creating dependencies for financial, sexual, emotional, or power gains. Our role is to support students in their self-growth, not hinder it by fostering dependency.
  • Self-Study: Acknowledge the importance of ongoing self-reflection and personal development. We must first deepen our own awareness and understanding before we can effectively lead and teach others. Commit to continuous learning and growth both as teachers and individuals.
  • Integrity: Ensure alignment between our words and actions. As representatives of yoga, we must strive to live authentically and ethically, upholding the values we teach.


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Hatha Yoga

Hatta yoga

Hatta yoga